The dog, the lizard and the snake 5th december2007
Inspired by J.Bacle
The dog, the lizard and the snake
He loved her madly, maybe that was the mistake
She turned up in the bar
And they went for a walk
She said she painted the sunset
But she didn’t want to talk
The dog, the lizard and the snake
she painted his life black
but he still wants her back
Turned up at the bar
And they went for a walk
Trying to get her back
But she still won’t talk
He looked into the lake
Tried to break the spell
The lake thanked him, Arthur
But he’s still in his hell
The dog gets up
The lizard stares on and she’s sleeping in the sun
She must be blind not to see
She was the only one
Crying like the poet,
Who cries out in his pain
Who looked for a princess
and found just a snake
the dog, the lizard and the snake
where is the princess
as he’s drowning in pain
On which side of the planet
On which side of the mountains
On which side of the coin
Is there a princess or a snake?
Shamanic poetry from multicultural global community-focused, musician and anthropologist, dreamer and writer, mycologist, drum-maker, thrice cursed.
Monday, 17 December 2007
West Kennet
West kennet
Late at night
Frosty ground crunches underfoot
Fear grips my heart
It wont let go
Not sure I can carry on
Got there and standing outside
Slowly fear starts to slide
Im going in
Down the steps
Of straw put down some time before
Main chamber surprisingly dry
But for some reason I want to cry
Shot marks on the wall
Target practice for the small minded
Take them down and bring them home
Sad for them
They don’t see
Light the incense
Warm now
Rattle and hum
Rattle and hum
They join in
Lots of them
More than I imagined
A bit overwhelming
Then a reply
More reply
I join back in
It starts to rain on me
But this cant be
Im inside
‘Even the water that falls from the mountain is warm’
A sign
Everything is fine
Drop down
What is there to be scared of?
One day my ashes will be scattered in here
If im lucky
Maybe my daughter will spend the night here
Maybe she’ll be scared too
Forget fear
Its OK
Time to go
Say thanks
Thanks for having me
See you next time
Late at night
Frosty ground crunches underfoot
Fear grips my heart
It wont let go
Not sure I can carry on
Got there and standing outside
Slowly fear starts to slide
Im going in
Down the steps
Of straw put down some time before
Main chamber surprisingly dry
But for some reason I want to cry
Shot marks on the wall
Target practice for the small minded
Take them down and bring them home
Sad for them
They don’t see
Light the incense
Warm now
Rattle and hum
Rattle and hum
They join in
Lots of them
More than I imagined
A bit overwhelming
Then a reply
More reply
I join back in
It starts to rain on me
But this cant be
Im inside
‘Even the water that falls from the mountain is warm’
A sign
Everything is fine
Drop down
What is there to be scared of?
One day my ashes will be scattered in here
If im lucky
Maybe my daughter will spend the night here
Maybe she’ll be scared too
Forget fear
Its OK
Time to go
Say thanks
Thanks for having me
See you next time
Thursday, 13 September 2007
The earth has spun full circle,
365 days later, and here you are
unexpected turns have led us here
Not where we were
Further down the line
Older, perhaps wiser
I hope we are more like good wine than cheese
A bottle fit for pharaohs
To be savoured over the years
But to stay liquid sunlight
Come harvest time
If we are to be made into wine,
I pray
We may share the same bottle
A young, fresh wine
To be drunk early
By lovers perhaps
Drunk on love
Fresh wine, no cobwebs adorn our bottle
A light kitchen, no damp cellar
A wine to share and make merry
A passionate wine
Earthy and fruity
Unrefined but oh so rich
Like our love
Limitless in possibilities
365 days later, and here you are
unexpected turns have led us here
Not where we were
Further down the line
Older, perhaps wiser
I hope we are more like good wine than cheese
A bottle fit for pharaohs
To be savoured over the years
But to stay liquid sunlight
Come harvest time
If we are to be made into wine,
I pray
We may share the same bottle
A young, fresh wine
To be drunk early
By lovers perhaps
Drunk on love
Fresh wine, no cobwebs adorn our bottle
A light kitchen, no damp cellar
A wine to share and make merry
A passionate wine
Earthy and fruity
Unrefined but oh so rich
Like our love
Limitless in possibilities
Je me souviens
C’etait deja des ans
Mais la passage du temps
De notre amour ne change rien
Tu te rappelles
Dessous l’arbre de noel
Le petit cadeau que je t’ai fait
Mon coeur pour toute l’eternite
Si j’ai perdu ton amour
J’espere que malgre tout
Tu te souviens bien de nous
Je pense a toi chaque jour
Et possiblement on retournera
Une autre vie se formera
Et le destin nous retrouvera
On s’aimerai encore une fois
Les desespoirs et les regrettes
Qu’on peut tenir dans la retraite
Sont surtout sur notre amour
Je t’ai ecrit chaque jour
C’etait deja des ans
Mais la passage du temps
De notre amour ne change rien
Tu te rappelles
Dessous l’arbre de noel
Le petit cadeau que je t’ai fait
Mon coeur pour toute l’eternite
Si j’ai perdu ton amour
J’espere que malgre tout
Tu te souviens bien de nous
Je pense a toi chaque jour
Et possiblement on retournera
Une autre vie se formera
Et le destin nous retrouvera
On s’aimerai encore une fois
Les desespoirs et les regrettes
Qu’on peut tenir dans la retraite
Sont surtout sur notre amour
Je t’ai ecrit chaque jour
One tree
Standing alone
Offering a solitary respite
From sweltering heat
One tree
Twisted and gnarled
Humble yet proud
A survivor
One tree
Constantly consumed
Yet always growing
Stretching and shrinking
One tree
Part of an endless cycle
Nature and life
Will you share its shade with me?
Standing alone
Offering a solitary respite
From sweltering heat
One tree
Twisted and gnarled
Humble yet proud
A survivor
One tree
Constantly consumed
Yet always growing
Stretching and shrinking
One tree
Part of an endless cycle
Nature and life
Will you share its shade with me?
Seguir buscando, trantando de buscar,
Una salida a todo esto,
A las redes que me atraparon,
Que me dejaron seco en la oscura noche del destino
Un destino que me encierra
Que me atrapa en sus frias garras de animal
Salvaje y violento,
Aquí me encuentro
Todavia perdido pero siguiendo rumbo fijo
Guiado por aquel terrible destino todo poderoso
Una potencia superior a mi
Corre en mis venas
Obligandome a seguir con esta busqueda
Una busqueda que me conduce al azar
A la suerte traicionera
Y a los sueños incumplidos
Una salida a todo esto,
A las redes que me atraparon,
Que me dejaron seco en la oscura noche del destino
Un destino que me encierra
Que me atrapa en sus frias garras de animal
Salvaje y violento,
Aquí me encuentro
Todavia perdido pero siguiendo rumbo fijo
Guiado por aquel terrible destino todo poderoso
Una potencia superior a mi
Corre en mis venas
Obligandome a seguir con esta busqueda
Una busqueda que me conduce al azar
A la suerte traicionera
Y a los sueños incumplidos
Mi intencion era esperar
Aquel autobus colorido que tenia que pasar
Llegaba tarde, a estas horas lo echaba en falta
Siempre retrasaba algo
Pero hoy mas que nunca
Me hacia falta
Por temor a quedarme
Aislado, perdido
Solo, rumbo al jamas
Mi intencion era esperar
Aquel autobus al que no volvi a subir
Mis colores vistiendolo de rojo
Mi carne picada alimentandola
Mi sangre bebida de un trago
Mi sabor en sus labios
Sus labios en mi cuerpo
Caido, destrozado
Hecho pedazos, alma liberada
Mi intencion era esperar
Aquel autobus que me tuvo que llevar
Mas lejos de todo lo conocido
Mas lejos de mi propia vida
Una vida llena de retrasos
De fracasos y ensueños
Ensueños que perdi
Y promesas a cumplir
Mi intencion no era saltar
Aquel autobus tan nuevo y limpio
Se presento como ocasión
Un impulso al vacio
Una nueva experiencia
Sentir algo aun sabiendo
Que mi saber marchita
Hundiendose en los pavimientos
Dolor, deseo
Aquel autobus colorido que tenia que pasar
Llegaba tarde, a estas horas lo echaba en falta
Siempre retrasaba algo
Pero hoy mas que nunca
Me hacia falta
Por temor a quedarme
Aislado, perdido
Solo, rumbo al jamas
Mi intencion era esperar
Aquel autobus al que no volvi a subir
Mis colores vistiendolo de rojo
Mi carne picada alimentandola
Mi sangre bebida de un trago
Mi sabor en sus labios
Sus labios en mi cuerpo
Caido, destrozado
Hecho pedazos, alma liberada
Mi intencion era esperar
Aquel autobus que me tuvo que llevar
Mas lejos de todo lo conocido
Mas lejos de mi propia vida
Una vida llena de retrasos
De fracasos y ensueños
Ensueños que perdi
Y promesas a cumplir
Mi intencion no era saltar
Aquel autobus tan nuevo y limpio
Se presento como ocasión
Un impulso al vacio
Una nueva experiencia
Sentir algo aun sabiendo
Que mi saber marchita
Hundiendose en los pavimientos
Dolor, deseo
Oh Sol, tu que nos amaneces el dia
Nos traes el alma y toda la vida
Deberia cantarte una cancion
Dedicada de mi corazon
Abierta, repleta de amor
Un amor que no para
De un corazon que sigue latiendo
Intacto de la crueldad mortal
Fuerte y orgulloso
Me asomo a tu ventana
Y contemplo la creacion
Bajo tu imperdonable cara
El planeta aguanta la respiracion
Sabiendo que sin ti
Tu riges nuestro universo de luz
Rodeado de oscuridad
Tu solo.
Demuestras la verdad
La pura verdad, limpia e iluminada
Pues por ti entonces dirijo
La hechizada
Nos traes el alma y toda la vida
Deberia cantarte una cancion
Dedicada de mi corazon
Abierta, repleta de amor
Un amor que no para
De un corazon que sigue latiendo
Intacto de la crueldad mortal
Fuerte y orgulloso
Me asomo a tu ventana
Y contemplo la creacion
Bajo tu imperdonable cara
El planeta aguanta la respiracion
Sabiendo que sin ti
Tu riges nuestro universo de luz
Rodeado de oscuridad
Tu solo.
Demuestras la verdad
La pura verdad, limpia e iluminada
Pues por ti entonces dirijo
La hechizada
I muttered in Spanish at him
- He sat on my seat,
Where I had planned to plant my buttocks
For a good half hour at least.
No matter, I sat in front of him
Watch him read tho’ the light was dim
He saw me looking, smiled then laughed
“80 grand for a kitten-don’t be daft
look ‘ere” he said, “in black and white
these people won’t sell that can’t be right
I’d sell my wife for less than that
Who spends that money on a cat”
“Well it better be toilet trained” said I
and remember thinking “I wonder why
This stranger decided to talk to me”
It just wasn’t done, couldn’t he see
On the underground christsake
Wasn’t he scared of murder, rape?
We spoke of other things for a while
And all the time he seemed to smile
I figured he was content with life
Even if he thought of selling his wife.
Next time I travel I’ll remember him
Crazy looks from me, the mood he was in
He made me laugh he made me glad
Tho’ till then I’d been feeling quite sad
Next time I’m looking for a seat
I wonder who the hell I’ll meet
Maybe I’ll be first to break the ice
-Chatting to strangers is really nice.
- He sat on my seat,
Where I had planned to plant my buttocks
For a good half hour at least.
No matter, I sat in front of him
Watch him read tho’ the light was dim
He saw me looking, smiled then laughed
“80 grand for a kitten-don’t be daft
look ‘ere” he said, “in black and white
these people won’t sell that can’t be right
I’d sell my wife for less than that
Who spends that money on a cat”
“Well it better be toilet trained” said I
and remember thinking “I wonder why
This stranger decided to talk to me”
It just wasn’t done, couldn’t he see
On the underground christsake
Wasn’t he scared of murder, rape?
We spoke of other things for a while
And all the time he seemed to smile
I figured he was content with life
Even if he thought of selling his wife.
Next time I travel I’ll remember him
Crazy looks from me, the mood he was in
He made me laugh he made me glad
Tho’ till then I’d been feeling quite sad
Next time I’m looking for a seat
I wonder who the hell I’ll meet
Maybe I’ll be first to break the ice
-Chatting to strangers is really nice.
You are a rose,
Beautiful, perfect
Immaculate white
Open petalled, ripe and full
Your scent penetrates the air, filling the room.
Eyes closed for the longest inhalation
I long to bury my nose inside you, absorb your aroma
Taste your subtle taste so sweet on my lips
Sense you stroking my face with your soft tips.
Like all roses, plucked and standing in a vase
You are impermanent
Your beauty will fade
You will wilt and die
Your leaves yellow and dry
Your petals drooping, falling one by one
Collecting at my feet
Vanished and gone
But the idea of you remains
Your essence is so strong
When I enter a room
I close my eyes, think of you
And you are with me once more.
Beautiful, perfect
Immaculate white
Open petalled, ripe and full
Your scent penetrates the air, filling the room.
Eyes closed for the longest inhalation
I long to bury my nose inside you, absorb your aroma
Taste your subtle taste so sweet on my lips
Sense you stroking my face with your soft tips.
Like all roses, plucked and standing in a vase
You are impermanent
Your beauty will fade
You will wilt and die
Your leaves yellow and dry
Your petals drooping, falling one by one
Collecting at my feet
Vanished and gone
But the idea of you remains
Your essence is so strong
When I enter a room
I close my eyes, think of you
And you are with me once more.
For an instant
A fleeting instant
I saw your soul
It smiled at me
But its smile was sad
Full of love and loss and heartache
Looking lost and lonely
Injured and in pain
For an instant
A fleeting instant
I wanted to reach out
Merge my soul with yours
Take away the pain the sorrow
Make your smile bright again
Show you that you are not alone
That your loss is also your gain
For an instant
A fleeting instant
Time stood still
You knew my intentions
I saw it in your eyes
But you withdrew
To irretrievable depths
Hiding from me
For an instant
A fleeting instant
Anything was possible
But nothing came of it
I paused, perhaps too long
Lost my step, faltered, blinked
But life is full of instances.
Next time I will be stronger
A fleeting instant
I saw your soul
It smiled at me
But its smile was sad
Full of love and loss and heartache
Looking lost and lonely
Injured and in pain
For an instant
A fleeting instant
I wanted to reach out
Merge my soul with yours
Take away the pain the sorrow
Make your smile bright again
Show you that you are not alone
That your loss is also your gain
For an instant
A fleeting instant
Time stood still
You knew my intentions
I saw it in your eyes
But you withdrew
To irretrievable depths
Hiding from me
For an instant
A fleeting instant
Anything was possible
But nothing came of it
I paused, perhaps too long
Lost my step, faltered, blinked
But life is full of instances.
Next time I will be stronger
Sometimes its hard to see clearly
When everything collapses around you
But sit back for a while,
Look deep within
Remain true to yourself, your beliefs
Spring forward with energy
Surround yourself with joy
For life is over in the blink of an eye
And to enjoy all you need to do is...try
When everything collapses around you
But sit back for a while,
Look deep within
Remain true to yourself, your beliefs
Spring forward with energy
Surround yourself with joy
For life is over in the blink of an eye
And to enjoy all you need to do is...try
Heart song
Elemental, raw
Untouched and pure
I am the voice of the wind
Howling under your door
I am the earth you walk on
Forever to endure
I am the cool water you drink
Soothe your throat, dry and sore
And I am fire
All consuming, all powerful
Fuelled by desire
Untouched and pure
I am the voice of the wind
Howling under your door
I am the earth you walk on
Forever to endure
I am the cool water you drink
Soothe your throat, dry and sore
And I am fire
All consuming, all powerful
Fuelled by desire
London Battlecry
You ain´t from here you piece of scum
Look what you did with yo´suicide bomb
You claim to kill in the name of God
You ain´t no mo´than a crazy sod
Some holy war, some mad jihad
Conned by fanatics- you´ve been had
Personally, I think you´re really sad
You´re stupid, ignorant, as well as bad
Throw ´way those nasty bombs you´ve made
´Cos London stands, we´re not afraid
I´ll say it slowly ´cos youre dumb
Your kind of war just can´t be won
And when you die in a police raid
remember I told you- We´re not afraid
Look what you did with yo´suicide bomb
You claim to kill in the name of God
You ain´t no mo´than a crazy sod
Some holy war, some mad jihad
Conned by fanatics- you´ve been had
Personally, I think you´re really sad
You´re stupid, ignorant, as well as bad
Throw ´way those nasty bombs you´ve made
´Cos London stands, we´re not afraid
I´ll say it slowly ´cos youre dumb
Your kind of war just can´t be won
And when you die in a police raid
remember I told you- We´re not afraid
That glint in your eye
Didn’t pass me by
I saw it, I looked
And then I was hooked
The glimpse of a feeling
Was it really there?
I had to blink so as not to stare
Was it just me, was it in my mind?
If I reached out my heart for you, what would I find?
Would it all crumble, was it inside my head?
If I’d gone down that path, where would it have led?
Didn’t pass me by
I saw it, I looked
And then I was hooked
The glimpse of a feeling
Was it really there?
I had to blink so as not to stare
Was it just me, was it in my mind?
If I reached out my heart for you, what would I find?
Would it all crumble, was it inside my head?
If I’d gone down that path, where would it have led?
On this land
Shall we plant
Our vines
Thirsty and deep
Grow our roots
Leaves unfurl
With the Days
Grow the seed to the trees
Earthy, ripe, eternal,
Blossom scent on the breeze
Sweet ferment
With the sun
And the rain
Always change
Grows the seeds
Earthy, ripe, eternal,
Shall we plant
Our vines
Thirsty and deep
Grow our roots
Leaves unfurl
With the Days
Grow the seed to the trees
Earthy, ripe, eternal,
Blossom scent on the breeze
Sweet ferment
With the sun
And the rain
Always change
Grows the seeds
Earthy, ripe, eternal,
Monto Guardia
Monto guardia sobre tu recuerdo,
tu que quedastes perdido en la lejania.
Tu y todo lo que has sido
nos dejas marchar con nuestra agonia.
Un camino largo y duro
mas frio, mas vacio
todos nos quedamos en este camino
El polvo del camino somos nosotros
cuando el solitario caballero del dia y de la noche
cumple su triste tarea
solo quedan los recuerdos
monto guardia por ti, hermano.
En recordar hay vida
tu que quedastes perdido en la lejania.
Tu y todo lo que has sido
nos dejas marchar con nuestra agonia.
Un camino largo y duro
mas frio, mas vacio
todos nos quedamos en este camino
El polvo del camino somos nosotros
cuando el solitario caballero del dia y de la noche
cumple su triste tarea
solo quedan los recuerdos
monto guardia por ti, hermano.
En recordar hay vida
Monday, 30 July 2007
Not just mad
I’m not just mad I’m even
More than you can see now or before
You know the score
Seen the scene
Waiting for more?
I’m clean
Sweet as a wet dream
Now don’t get sore
Cause I’m not yours
I’m my own man
Live my life
Like my life
Make my life
Which is more than just being human
More than you can see now or before
You know the score
Seen the scene
Waiting for more?
I’m clean
Sweet as a wet dream
Now don’t get sore
Cause I’m not yours
I’m my own man
Live my life
Like my life
Make my life
Which is more than just being human
Friday, 18 May 2007
Il Cornuto
The horned king stands tall
I am the hunter
I am the hunt
I am the hunted
I am nothing
I am all
I am everything you ever wanted
I am forest
I am green
I am all that is
And all that has been
I am all that is to come
I am present past and future
I am one
Standing proud in light and shade
Standing proud in forest glade
The horned king smiles and cries
The horned king never lives, never dies
Aeons pass and time stands still
The horned king is pure will
I am the walker
I am the way
I am coldest midnight
And scorching midday
I am the dancer
I am the dance
I am your first and only chance
Standing proud in day and light
Standing proud in moon and night
The horned king is both many and one
The horned kings magic is always done
Horned kings eyes are closed yet see
Horned king smiles on you and me.
The horned king stands tall
I am the hunter
I am the hunt
I am the hunted
I am nothing
I am all
I am everything you ever wanted
I am forest
I am green
I am all that is
And all that has been
I am all that is to come
I am present past and future
I am one
Standing proud in light and shade
Standing proud in forest glade
The horned king smiles and cries
The horned king never lives, never dies
Aeons pass and time stands still
The horned king is pure will
I am the walker
I am the way
I am coldest midnight
And scorching midday
I am the dancer
I am the dance
I am your first and only chance
Standing proud in day and light
Standing proud in moon and night
The horned king is both many and one
The horned kings magic is always done
Horned kings eyes are closed yet see
Horned king smiles on you and me.
There was a silhouette in starlight
Despairing lover crying to the night
The night, cold uncaring, listens not
The stars they see his pain is all he’s got
Oh lover, you who lament
I hear your sad cries
I alone listen in the dark’ned skies
For I too have loved and my love was scorned
Let you future lovers take heed, be warned
Love listens not to who cares who tries,
Love listens only to the fiery eyes
Love lives both in the wind and the rain
Tis love that is cause of all of my pain
Love is most there in the sea and the sand
Love is the master of all of the land
Love exists high in the mountains above
Tis true all our problems come down to love.
There was a silhouette in starlight
Despairing lover crying to the night
The night, cold uncaring, listens not
The stars they see his pain is all he’s got
Oh lover, you who lament
I hear your sad cries
I alone listen in the dark’ned skies
For I too have loved and my love was scorned
Let you future lovers take heed, be warned
Love listens not to who cares who tries,
Love listens only to the fiery eyes
Love lives both in the wind and the rain
Tis love that is cause of all of my pain
Love is most there in the sea and the sand
Love is the master of all of the land
Love exists high in the mountains above
Tis true all our problems come down to love.
the strange lady of the hills
The strange lady of the hills
up there on the mount where she dwells
up there with her dogs, her love
the wind
the wind howls
she hears it howl
it fills her
it carries her
she dances on it
round, round she spins
dancing wind
howling wind
howling dogs
dance with her
bracken hair
raven eyes
sunken cheeks
she smiles
howling with the wind
up there on the mount where she dwells
up there with her dogs, her love
the wind
the wind howls
she hears it howl
it fills her
it carries her
she dances on it
round, round she spins
dancing wind
howling wind
howling dogs
dance with her
bracken hair
raven eyes
sunken cheeks
she smiles
howling with the wind
Three letters
Three letters
Maybe in Arabic
Carved in stone
Written in rock
Multiplying, intensifying, amazing
Out of here
If I were to tell you that
in another place
in another time
we are lovers
together, together, together
Maybe in Arabic
Carved in stone
Written in rock
Multiplying, intensifying, amazing
Out of here
If I were to tell you that
in another place
in another time
we are lovers
together, together, together
Feed the fire
Feed the fire
Burn, burn, burn
Burn brightly brother, burn brightly
Feed the fire
What will you be?
Twig,? Leaf? Log? A whole tree?
Dancing flames
Burning life
There is much to burn, so much to burn
Dancing flames, treat him well
May he rest under your spell
May he journey by your side
May he always walk with pride
Grandfather fire
There from the start
You guide us and burn in our heart
Burn, burn, burn
Burn brightly brother, burn brightly
Feed the fire
What will you be?
Twig,? Leaf? Log? A whole tree?
Dancing flames
Burning life
There is much to burn, so much to burn
Dancing flames, treat him well
May he rest under your spell
May he journey by your side
May he always walk with pride
Grandfather fire
There from the start
You guide us and burn in our heart
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